Sunday, February 3, 2008

The diabetic cat

Two Octobers ago, my cat Corey went out for his morning jaunt before I had to leave for school. He was out for about an hour when I called him in. Off I went to school, and it was a VERY long day. When I got in at 8: p.m., he didn't meet me at the door. Corey ALWAYS meets me. When I finally found him, he was lethargic and had trouble walking straight.

I panicked because Corey doesn't act like that. I called my Mom and she came and got us, driving straight to the emergency vet clinic 30 minutes away. I was so worried about him. I got him there and they said he looked and acted fine. They brought him out to me and still said he acted and looked fine, but I knew better. They gave him subcutaneous fluids, an action that probably saved his life.

That night was very long. He threw up constantly. So the next morning I took Corey to the vet. With a blood draw, they knew something was up. He had pancreatitis from heavy metal poisoning. (Did I mention I live next to an auto body shop?) Corey was in the hospital for about 5 days and in recovery at home for about 2 weeks.

Why am I telling you this? Well, since Christmas, I have noticed Corey was getting thinner. It's been a year since he recovered from the poisoning but I was still worried. I took him into the vet to see if the weight loss was my imagination. It wasn't. Corey is now diabetic (could be the pancreatitis, could be weight, more likely it's both). He just spent 5 days in the hospital for glucose and insulin regulation, to the nice tune of $500. I now have to give him his insulin each morning by injection.

Well, it looks like you CAN cure needle phobias by having to inject your cat, folks. So far, all is good. Of course, we are on Day 2 of shot-giving.

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