Monday, December 8, 2008


Yes, IUI #11 is a negativo. But that's okay. I'm learning with every step I take to be a bit resigned to the negatives.

I got the call from the clinic. I am not pregnant (duh, somehow the period told me). Since I am doing IVF for real this coming time, they are going to start me on the IVF Flare protocol, which means I will begin with Lupron prior to my next period. On Dec. 27th, I start with 10 units of Lupron. YES!!! I ovulate over 5 so they opt for 10. Now THAT is a reaction!

So I am basically taking a month off. A lovely month in which I can bare my tummy for all to see (too bad it;s December here in the cold wilds of upstate NY). A lovely month in which I can forget to take a drug and nothing will happen. A lovely month in which I don;t have to worry about injections. Ahhh ....

So, no news folks. I'll order my swimmers next year and maybe get reimbursed for them!

Have a merry time of it everyone!