Friday, April 4, 2008

Low Betas

I had my 2nd beta yesterday and we are looking at the first beta of 14 and a beta yesterday (2 days later) of 22. There are 3 scenarios. Since I was not yet at 4 weeks (today is it), I could simply have a very young embryo which will grow aboundingly and come to fruition. However, the low beta is worrisome. I could have an embryo which is developmentally not right (and there are a whole lot of possibilities there), which will definintely miscarry or I could have an ectopic pregnancy, which could harm me if not removed.

I want answers. I am not a patient person, patient enought to wait until the RE nurse who CAN draw my blood returns from vacation next week. I know the one on duty this weekend can't draw the blood, but if this is a doomed pregnancy, I want it over with as soon as possible (meaning Tuesday). So because we need that 3rd beta draw as a marker before anyone makes a decision about the viability, I personally think I should have blood drawn through whatever means are necessary this weekend. I'm waiting for the nurse to call me back ... and I'm hoping she can understand my reasoning. I am simply not willing to wait and see ... I need information quickly so I don't become attached and hopeful about something which is doomed. An ectopic has no chance of survival and could hurt me (that's what it sounds like it is, personally).

So, kill the joy, enter very cautious deliberation, not even optimism. If this IS a viable embryo, and it does turn out to be a healthy child, remind me to wring his/her neck for the worry I endured, okay? I'm getting too old for drama like this!

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