Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Doing Better

Well, my mental health has returned. It's a sunny day, I'm bleeding like crazy, and I ate a full meal for the first time in 5 days. My body let me sleep more (although I'm not up to a full night yet) and my cats only awoke me at 6:30. It's progress.

I brought the Mini out of the garage and drove her to lunch. It was a great feeling to press on the accelerator and have the car JUMP. Really nice.

I got a call from the nurse, she said the doctor can talk with me on May 2nd, SO long from now. In other words, no immunological testing until then, so perhaps another cycle wasted. So I also called the local infertility clinic at the teaching hospital and asked for an appointment to see an RE about my case. May 8th. Yuck. It looks like no one is willing to work with me concerning my issues.

Long story short, very frustrated, but nothing I can really do. I've thought of going to an IVF clinic in NYC, establishing a relationship with them now in preparation for my move and then on the day that new insurance takes effect, beginning everything, but I have not made such a move. We'll see. I'm just frustrated by this. Annoying.

Well, must work on the dissertation now. Egad ... long-assed thing.

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