Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Hi! OK, here are some updates:
1) I have 2 follicles in the left ovary, 1 is 22 mm. and the other is 27 mm. I also have a uterine lining of 10+, which means I am ripe for ovulation. (Whenever you're ready, let's go!)
2) I got an Ovidrel shot emergency-style at a drug store in town since my shot was not due to arrive for another 12 hours. I injected myself at 11:00 last night, planning for an insemination Thursday.
3) I cornered my RE nurse about the symptoms. And I FULLY get it now. Here's the lowdown - all those years when I had an hour of cramps, 1 day of flow, and no PMS symptoms, I was probably NOT sending out an egg. For sure, I was not making enough progesterone. Your cramps and flow are directly related to the thickness of your uterine lining. Therefore, with a short flow cycle and minimal cramps, I did not have a lining thick enough to enable me to get pregnant. Well, THAT explains my gynecologist's diagnosis of infertility when I was 30. He said at the time it was likely hormonal. Here the nurse is saying the same thing, using other words. Okay, hormonal imbalance has plagued me the past 25 years of life, so I understand. It's all related, right? So now that I am having PMS symptoms, bad cramps, and sheets falling out of me, I CAN get pregnant. I am now normal. (Wow, so that's what it feels like!) She is happy with the more pain I am in and the more days of bleeding I have. Remind me to give her a piece of coal for her stocking.
4) With a uterine lining of 10 already, when I am usually at 6 by this point, she is confident this will be THE one. :) Let's hope. If it's not, I may take a couple months off of the process so that it puts my due date at a better time (end of the semester as opposed to the beginning). We'll see.
5) IUI is tomorrow. This is my last sperm vial. Fingers are crossed ...

1 comment:

Amy McNaughton said...

Hi There,
Although I don't know you, I've been following your blogs over the past week.I actually went back to read them all. I've been blogging myself for a while and went to check to see if another fellow blogger had updated his blog when I stumbled across yours.(actually I don't beleive in coinsidence).
You might be interested in checking out a friend of mine who lives in Ottawa Ontario.

I'm thinking of you today and I hope that everything goes well.
Good Luck,