Friday, November 21, 2008

IVF Gone Bust

I just got off the phone with my clinic. I had my second ultrasound and bloods this morning for IVF with injectables. (First were Wednesday.) Even though I am taking 5 IU Lupron to hold off ovulation, my body went ahead and is surging with 2 large follicles (25, 20) and lots of tinier follicles (12, 8, 7, 6, 6, 5) ... Hey! I'm good! If I can screw it up, I will! And it is only CD 7! So, I am to take Ovidrel tonight at 6:pm and go in tomorrow morning for an IUI.
This was my first foray into injectables and since my insurance will pick up my IVF, we were just going to go ahead with that. The retrieval was set for next Wednesday. Ho hum. So now we know some things. 1) 225 follistim doesn't get me much. I was bumped up to 300 on Wednesday and that's where all those little ones came from. 2) 5 Lupron does not hold off ovulation. I don't know what next month's protocol will be but I imagine it won't have 5 IUI Lupron again. 3) Injectables are easy, even for a self-acknowledged needle-phobic. And I did it all last night without first icing the area down! (We're talking major progress.) 4) My first IVF is now still off into the hinterlands. I'm getting really good at IUIs (#11 coming up tomorrow).


Pepper said...

Sorry about the IVF being cancelled! That must've been so disappointing.

It's pretty clear that the Lupron didn't supress you enough, but I'm surprised they didn't put you on Ganirelix or an antagonist like that. Usually Lupron protocols require weeks of Lupron beforehand (either a long Lupron or microflare Lupron protocol). When you don't do Lupron for a few weeks, before stimming even starts, they'll use an antagonist instead which also prevents ovulation.

Anyway, I'm obviously not a doctor so that's just a bunch of musings from an IF vet. :-) Best of luck with this cycle!

Billy said...

Sorry about the IVF.

And you rock with the injections - from someone who had to have someone else to inject her, to someone who is doing all these injections (and not just one) herself!