Saturday, June 14, 2008

The things you think about

You would be surprised the things you think about as you plan to have a child as a single woman. First, last night when my folks and I were talking about me buying a house in my new community, I said I wanted a small yard. My mom countered with "Well, large enough for a garden, and then some more." No, I really want a postage-stamp size yard, since with a child, I will have no time to tend a garden. I'm thinking room for a play set (i.e., wooden structure with swings, rope ladder, etc.), a sandbox, patio or deck for a patio set and grill, 2 raised vegetable beds, a small section for perennials like 4 rose bushes, bearded irises, a hydrangea bush, some coreopsis and purple coneflower. Maybe a couple daisies and some daylilies. That's it. I'll want a fenced-in yard so my child and cats can be dog free (or we can get our own dog and he/she be dog-free). I'd like as little grass as possible. Here I have 4 or 5 gardens, a lot of grass, many bushes, just a lot of outside work. I just cleaned my gutters for the 2nd time this spring. A house that required much less care would be great. Next, I need at least 4 bedrooms or 3 bedrooms and a basement. I need a garage. I'd like a 2 story house with a sunroom, so my child can play in the sunshine during the long winter. I'd like a lousy kitchen, since I would want to redo a kitchen when this house sells. For instance, I get the extra-long cabinets. Less space is wasted when you do that. What is the likelihood I will find a kitchen as I want it? Therefore, a kitchen that needs to be redone is perfect ... then I can get the cabinet space I require with the cabinets I want, and design it the way I want it ... We also need to be realistic about me. I am a pack-rat. Right now, my little 2 bedroom house is packed solid. I have a room downstairs dedicated to my children's books (my profession, remember?), another room for my exercise equipment (if I can ever gain weight, I can use it all again), a bedroom up here as my office, and the other rooms are lived in. So, more bedrooms (even if they are small) would be delicious. I'd like 2 bathrooms, or at least a bath and a half. We'll see ... that is a want, not a need.

As long as I'm talking needs, I've been thinking about transportation. I have a 2 door Mini and a 2 door Acura, neither of which is agreeable to baby seats and the way you have to move to get the kid into a rear-facing seat. So I will need to change one of the vehicles at some point. I've been lusting after the Mini Clubman, have fallen for the Ford Escape Hybrid, and am entranced by the Scion XD and a Dodge (the name escapes me) hatchback. I'm basically looking for a good MPG hatchback vehicle that can fit up to three people (or baby seats) in the back. After all, if I am trying for 2 pregnancies, and I am taking fertility drugs, twins are a possibility on the 2nd (as well as the first) so having room for 3 car seats at one time is a better financial decision. I also want room for children's friends, so ... We'll see on the car issue. I am looking forward to car changes in the next model year, since the gas crisis is so glaring. Perhaps more hybrids will come out or maybe they'll tweak some of these engines a bit more? If the Clubman did not require premium, I would be all over it. I wonder if any of these could tow a utility trailer? I'm sure the Escape could ... I wonder about the Clubman?

Another concern as I plan has been stockings. I know, trivial concern, but my Christmas stocking all my life has been an angel. My mom decided long ago that each family gets stockings of the same theme as the spouse or parent. Thus, one brother's entire family has Santa stockings and another brother's family all have snowman stocking. So my family will be angels. If you haven't been out angel stocking shopping (I'm sure it has been on everyone's mind), I can assure you there are few angel stockings and almost none which are boys. Yes, there are boy angels. Anyone ever heard of Michael? So, I need gender-neutral angel stockings and have purchased 2 good needlepoint stockings ... they will be perfect for children. So, that's another plan I've acted on (still have to sew them, but I do have plenty of time).

So, like I said, it is amazing the thoughts one thinks as one TTCs. It's like potential parenthood changes your entire outlook on life. I'm actually glad for it. I lived so long just living, I never really thought much about the future. Now that I am TTCing, everything seems to matter. Good. I'm ready. Maybe things'll happen soon?

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