Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Storm Clouds Have Lifted

Well, contrary to my expectations, I did not close on my house on Thursday like I was supposed to do. Instead, I have some frustrating dealings in which I finally realized that the seller was lying, his attorney was lying, or his listing agent was lying. Whichever the case, I got the royal shaft. My house will close Monday by POA. I am here in NC waiting for follicles to develop and my hormone levels to rise for my insemination on Tuesday. My parents (what awesome folks they are!) have gone to NY to handle things for the closing. My dad and brother will tear out the carpet and tackstrips and demolish a closet, all for the floor refinishing man, who rearranged his schedule to get me on Tuesday. Phew.

I got rather stubborn about things. I have $1000 in sperm waiting, for this final insemination at this RE's office. When I finally move, that's it ... I ordered the sperm at the last possible moment on Tuesday, once I knew the closing would occur on Thursday .... Thursday left enough time to get up there, close, and rip everything out. Of course, I must have counted my chicks before they hatched ... I did not close on schedule. So once it all went kerfluey, I crunched dates, travel times, CDs, and anything else which mattered and was basically up a creek with no paddle. My dad volunteered and I took him up on it, a 2 day trip for him and Mom, just for me to be able to stay here to get my swimmers. You never know, this could be the time.

Of course, I would love that. However, reality is staring me in the face. I really don't have a Fertile Myrtle reputation. I am harking on my 40th birthday (fertility drops so low) that I can hope and pray all I like and it has little chance of actually working.

So, all that said ... I'm off to pack!

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