Sunday, July 27, 2008

Onward Plans

Since I am moving to another state and another insurance company, I have started the research for the new RE. What I did was compare CNY (Syracuse) and Cornell (NYC) in terms of IVF success rates, travel distance, and insurance ease. Well, while CNY only has 19% live birth rare compared to Cornell's 31%, they are markedly closer to my home. I checked into the monitoring of the IVF cycle, since IVF means high dose injectables and increased rish of OHSS. CNY can do my monitoring in my new city but Cornell only has an off-site location as far north as Mount Kisco ... not cool. So, while 19% is markedly lower, the time and energy saved in distance for the consults, procedures, and monitoring is substantial. I am therefore going with CNY.

I spoke with them, got my initial consulation appointment, and am working on having my records sent, etc. Fun! According to the nurse, my new insurance plan is FANTASTIC for infertility, which is a thrill compared to the lousy (read - nonexistent) coverage of Blue Cross Blue Shield.

So, health aside (since it is now taken care of), I am packing my house. Although I have many boxes in the garage, it looks like I haven't done anything in here so far. Not good. I am thinking of having a tag sale next weekend to get rid of some furniture and knick-nacks. We'll see. My brother and his family are coming up and I would rather spend quality time with them than have a sale. :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The latest

I found out last Tuesday that lo and behold, I ovulated 2 days early on my own with all my swimmers at the Atlanta airport, not due to arrive until Wednesday after 5:00. Not cool. However, I rebounded quickly. My folks and I took off for New York to find me a new home.

I'd been having trouble finding a rental situation for myself and four cats. It's not that I was the problem. Folks just have a problem with the number "four." Don't know why. It's not like thy are out of control, they're just my little lovebugs. Anyways, my folks decided to provide me a bridge loan so I could buy and we met with the realtor. The upshot of 4 days was a bid accepted on Sunday. The house is cute, needs some major work in the kitchen, and will be perfect for me and my growing family (maybe). The cats will adore it since there are 3 levels (basement, 1st floor, 2nd floor), a screened in porch (the better to watch the birds) and a fully landscaped yard. I have a water feature which at present is dry; however, give me some thinset mortar patch, blue paint, goldfish, and a pump, and we will have a wonderful fishing perch for my cats. I also plan to set up bird feeders and bird houses, the better to entertain my furry friends.

So, all that said, it looks like I should be moving in a few weeks. Yikes. Much to do and so little time!

So I plan to take Femara again this month and see what happens. Just maybe I can plan my life to be somewhere positive on the day I ovulate. Or not. We'll see. Have a happy one!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I have returned from my Alaska trip. I got my 6th IUI Monday, June 16 and flew out Tuesday for our 49th state. The trip was superb, memories for a lifetime, and I relaxed and enjoyed myself. Unfortunately, that IUI did not take. I thought all along that we missed the timing - I felt the ovulation seepiness the day after the IUI. So ... I thought for while we were moving on to injectables. However, my health insurance covers none of the costs. So ... 7th month with Femara.

I passed my defense but have boucoups (pronounced BO-KU) revisions. I'm working on it. And there isn't much more to tell. I need to find a place to live, I need to pack and move, I need to get this house ready for the market. Enough said?

Have a great day!