Sunday, May 24, 2009

No Infection

Good news! I don't have ANY infection. Apparently yellow foul-smelling discharge is going to be my normal. Yay! (Although, not having made a practice of previously smelling my discharge, how do I know what "foul" really smells like?)

Looking 6 months pregnant, but only 5. Interesting.

I got some books from Amazon and off of (a great deal, that one, just pay for postage to swap paperbacks). I am boning up on my baby information. Not having babysat a true infant in 30 years (yep, you read that right), I am woefully ignorant of infant's needs. Here are some things I learned:
  • Babies don't need to be bathed every day. Every 2 or 3 days is fine and is recommended by doctors to keep their skin from drying out.
  • Babies need manicures on a frequent basis because their fingernails grow so quickly. OTOH, their toenails grow much slower.
  • Breastfed babies typically experience bowel movements after every feeding, so be prepared for constant diaper changes, above and beyond formula diaper changes.
  • Use of cloth diapers really does decrease the incidence of diaper rash. (I thought it was cloth diaper propaganda, but the doctors said so.) Expect diaper rash between 3-6 months of age.
  • Smiling occurs after 3 months of age.
  • Separation anxiety is normal at 12 months. This worries me since my son will be 10 months when he starts F/T daycare again after a summer at home with me.

Anyways, just some of the fun stuff I learned. I am reading a book about the colic period too, and this doctor has a set method for handling it ... among the suggestions is using a vacuum cleaner in his presence. I'm still reading but it seems to be just 1 guy's opinion, not shared by the other books. We'll see ... 15 minutes of fame and all that.

So, until next time. Have a happy! :)

1 comment:

nik sonfield said...

Dear Leaping Hurdles,

Hi, my name is Nik Sonfield and I’m writing on behalf of Mind’s Eye Productions and it’s founder, Deirdre Fishel. We love your blog and thought that you and your readers might be interested in Deirdre’s latest documentary, “Sperm Donor X.” The film follows three single women and their experiences as they attempt to become pregnant using sperm donors.

As the daughter of a single mother who chose to use a sperm donor, I believe strongly in this project. I hope you will take the time to visit our website,, for further information. We need more media material that humanizes the sperm donor process! Get “Sperm Donor X” and share it with your friends and community! We need your support!

Here is a little more information from Deirdre about her documentary:

My name is Deirdre Fishel and I have just completed editing a deeply personal documentary that follows me and three other diverse women as we decide to pursue single motherhood, navigate the bizarre waters of picking sperm donors over the internet, deal with our parents, try to get pregnant, and ultimately embrace how lucky we are to be alive now and able to create joyous families of biological and adopted children.

I started the project six years ago, filming myself and the other women for two years. But when my kids were born I took a hiatus, for many reasons. Two years later the call to continue came when a friend wrote an article on single mothers by choice. These women were freaks. They were humorless, even their children seemed to bring them no joy. I become obsessed with telling the story from the inside. The film received a New York State Council of the Arts grant which took it through more shooting. Editing has just been completed by a two-time Academy Award nominee who worked on deferment because he believed so strongly in the project. Now all we need is to raise finishing funds to get it out.

The film is fiscally sponsored by WOMEN MAKE MOVIES, so all donations are tax deductible. Give a $100, get a DVD and a credit on the film. But no donation is too small. Or if you want to help in another way give a house party where you show the film and invite your friends. Every dollar counts. My contact info is ph: 917-922-7845 Go to or to learn more about me and my work.

Only six percent of children will grow up in a traditional family, meaning two straight people, who marry first, have kids and don't separate. We need more images that show that while going it alone certainly isn't easy, alternative families are in now way second best. Thanks in advance for your support!

Checks can be made to Women Make Movies and sent to Deirdre Fishel, 406 Douglass St., Brooklyn, NY 11217