Friday, October 31, 2008

Just waiting

Not much is going on with me fertility-wise. I think Clomid gave me a cyst like the last time I used it since AF has not arrived (10 days after stopping Prometrium). So, it is a waiting game ... ho hum ... this cycle is going to be a killer when all is said and done, when you consider the Prometrium (i.e, lush lining), the delay (i.e., the lining is continuing to grow), and being on a daily aspirin (i.e., blood thinner). So, I have to wait until Monday and contact the fertility center and they will bring it on with Provera, a medication my Mom used to use in menopause. Fun.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Meds Have Arrived!

It was a happy Thursday last week, when my injectable meds arrived via Federal Express. I was painting my bathroom when the delivery arrived. I unpacked it ... my oh my! How wonderful! I had all sorts of things in there, including EVERYTHING you could possibly need for the injections, like alcohol swabs, extra needles, the Follistim pen, you name it. There was even a prescription antibiotic in there ... not sure quite what that one is for, but hey, I'll take it. And for this grand amount of drugs, I paid $80. Wow. Compare that to the $3000 bill without insurance.

So, here I sit awaiting AF so that I can go to the fertility center and get trained on how/what to do. It's a good thing, you know. I'm feeling positive about this next phase.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Surprises and Prometrium

I went to the fertility clinic last Monday for an ultrasound, bloods, and my HSG. Well, the bloods went fine. And the ultrasound showed ... shoot! Just one stinking follicle. (The purpose of Clomid was to produce more than 1 follicle.) Well, that follicle was a 20 and the nurse practitioner decided to trigger me for insemination the next day.

No HSG. Instead, I have to wait a month for that little bit of fun. I hate it when they change tracks on me like that. So I triggered that night and had my IUI the next day (12 hours later). I am just still confused about an IUI at 12 hours, since I have heard and read all alond the trigger takes 36-40 hours to work and frozen sperm lasts 12-24 hours. So if the egg comes out at 36 hours, the last dying sperm have no time to work their way in to the center of the egg. Maybe I'm just a worrywart. Who knows. But it was still a surprise to trigger and insem so quickly.

Well, I am now taking Prometrium for 11 days after the IUI. I had my IUI on Tuesday and started the pills on Thursday. Let's just say they aren't exactly fun. I am awake at all hours, I seep goop (they are taken vaginally) and I get too hot as I sleep. On the plus side, though, they may just be the thing I need to make a pregnancy stick.

Hopefully. We'll see.